
As a registered customer you can place your material order using the form below, stating your customer number, and send it to us directly. We will then send the ordered articles to you as soon as possible.

Not yet registered? Registration is easy - simply send an email to info@ditms.de. We will then send you your customer number by email.

Paper order



Ink order



Cover order

Consumable material for the Opus photo book system

Formats A4 portrait and landscape


Formats 20 cm x 20 cm and 30 cm x 30 cm


Customer data

Customer and shipping address

Yes, I have read the privacy policy and I agree that the data I provide will be collected and stored electronically.
My data is used only strictly earmarked for processing and answering my request.
By submitting the contact form I agree to the processing.

What is the sum of 1 and 3?