Noritsu QSS-3901 G / QSS-3904 G

Modern, perfect and reliable

The wet machines of the new 39 series are used as reference devices with the photochemical minilabs thanks to their state-of-the-art technology. The new series consists of the QSS-3901G and QSS-3904G models. Largely identical in design, the two devices primarily differ in terms of processing power. The hourly output (rated values) of the QSS-3901G is 1,650 for photos in the 9 x 13 cm format and 2,250 photos for the more powerful QSS-3904G. For the 10 x 15 cm format, the devices achieve a rated output of 1,480 photos/hour and 2,120 photos/hour, respectively, and in the case of the 30 x 91 cm panorama format (the largest possible print format of the 39-series machines), 95 and 132 photos/hour, respectively.

The two paper magazines installed as standard accept paper rolls up to 82.5 to 305 mm wide. A digital laser with 640 dpi/12-bit resolution is used for exposure of the photographic paper. This makes the finest nuances of the photo visible and achieves exceptional image quality on photochemical material with the aid of the AccuSmart image enhancement software. Even ultra-thin album paper can be used with the new 39-series models. With the currently most powerful Noritsu wet devices, image data (including in the RAW format) can be "automatically" processed similarly to analogue material. Equipped with familiar Noritsu convenience features like the integrated colourimeter and the sorter with display of interruption as standard, users are able to adjust the devices to their individual processing needs with scores of options – such as by expanding it with a third paper magazine (triple version) or two additional magazines (quad version).

All Noritsu wet machines are also supplied with the useful EZ controller. This handles everything from job management to the colour correction of individual images. The high-performance wet machines are used nearly exclusively by large labs, online labs and labs for school and kindergarten photography for volume photo production.



Type Photochemical RA-4 minilab devices for volume photo production from paper rolls and ultra-thin album paper
Input* Digital image data in file formats JPEG, TIFF, PNG, RAW as DNG and S/W, CN and CU material and reflective materials after digitizing using optional scanners
Paper widths
Paper step lengths
From 82.5 to 305 mm
From 89 to 910 mm in millimetre steps
Processing formats (nominal sizes)** Single-sided from 9 x 9 cm to 30 x 91 cm
Maximum output format (nominal size)** Panorama print of 30 x 91 cm
Processing capacity (nominal output)** QSS-3901G/QSS-3904G: 1,480/2,120 photos/hour for 10 x 15 cm,
QSS-3901G/QSS-3904G: 200/290 photos/hour for 30 x 45 cm
Exposure system Laser image setter
Resolution (selectable) 300 dpi or 640 dpi/12-bit
Special features Paper widths up to 305 mm (12 inches), two trays for paper rolls as standard; 14x sorter with visual display of job interruption as standard
Space requirements and empty weight of device QSS-3901G/QSS-3904G: Net floor space of approx. 1.7 m²/1.9 m²; working area with movement zone of at least 3.95 m²
Weight without paper and chemicals of approx. 547 kg/605 kg
Power connection and output 3-phase current, 32 A
System-compatible accessories (optional) Noritsu film scanner models LS-600, LS-1100, HS-1800; SPC customer terminal and SPC retailer/customer order processing software, expandable with triple or quadruple paper magazines
Additionally Easy to operate and network-enabled using EZ Controller and an up-to-date control computer (workstation)

Comments on *

Input at EC controller or system-compatible SPC terminal using currently available digital storage media (detailed, binding compatibility and capacity specifications of storage media as per device specifications and current, device-specific device manual).

Comments on **

Detailed, binding processing format and performance specifications as per device specifications and current, device-specific device manual. 
Devices may vary depending on country and equipment and may deviate in individual points from the data specified here.